Welcome to PYDAQ documentation
This site presents the full documentation of PYDAQ - Data Acquisition and Experimental Analysis with Python. Here the user can find examples of how to use it for data acquisition and generating signals using NIDAQ and Arduino boards.
Also, step-response experiments can be easily performed, as showed up in Step response (NIDAQ) and Step response (Arduino).
Furthermore, this tool can be used to apply any generic output in an experimental tool, such as PRBS (Pseudo Random Binary Signal) or other persistently exciting signal, in order to generate data for black box system identification.
The user is able to get/send data either using a command line method of a GUI (Graphical User Interface), speeding up prototypes and quick experiments, keeping the user confidence in the acquired/sent data. Besides, the command line interface allows one to keep developing new features while data are acquired.
Installation and Requirements
The fastest way to install PYDAQ is using pip:
pip install pydaq
PYDAQ requires:
- Installed driver of the board used (Arduino or National Instruments NIDAQ);
- nidaqmx (>=0.6.5) for data acquisition from National Instruments Boards;
- matplotlib (>=3.5.3) as a visualization tool;
- numpy (>=1.22.3) to process data;
- PySide6 (>=6.7.1), PySide6_Addons, PySide6_Essentials and shiboken6 as a Graphical User Interface framework;
- pyserial (>=3.5) to manage data to/from Arduino.
Documentation Map
Data Acquisition
Here the user will find examples of how to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) and also commando line to acquire data using NIDAQ or Arduino boards.
Sending data
In this Section is presented how the user can send data from NIDAQ or Arduino, by mean of command line or a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Step response
Here the user will find examples of how to define parameters to perform a step response experiments with available boards (NIDAQ/Arduino).
In this section it will be provided Jupyter Notebook examples presenting code functionalities (NIDAQ/Arduino).